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Aktiv Urocalm is a dietary supplement designed to support urinary health and provide relief from urinary discomfort. It typically includes ingredients that help soothe the urinary tract, reduce inflammation, and support overall bladder health.

Key Benefits:

  1. Formulated to maintain the health of the urinary system and prevent infections or discomfort.
  2. Contains ingredients that reduces inflammation and soothe the urinary tract.
  3. Supports bladder function and health, helping to reduce frequent urination and improve comfort.
  4. Contain natural antimicrobial agents to help combat harmful bacteria in the urinary tract.


Aktiv Urocalm is a dietary supplement designed to support urinary health and provide relief from urinary discomfort. It typically includes ingredients that help soothe the urinary tract, reduce inflammation, and support overall bladder health.

Key Benefits:

  1. Formulated to maintain the health of the urinary system and prevent infections or discomfort.
  2. Contains ingredients that reduces inflammation and soothe the urinary tract.
  3. Supports bladder function and health, helping to reduce frequent urination and improve comfort.
  4. Contain natural antimicrobial agents to help combat harmful bacteria in the urinary tract.

Key Ingredients:

  1. Probiotics: Promotes a healthy balance bacteria in the urinary tract and support overall immune health.
  2. Magnesium: Helps relax bladder muscles and reduce spasms.
  3. Herbal extracts
  4. Vitamin C: Enhance immune functions and acidifies the urine.
  5. Cranberry extract
  6. D-Mannose


Specific dosage instruction should be followed as per the product label or a healthcare provider’s recommendation